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Spanish 2
Intro to culinary
Spanish 2
Course Description
This course is designed for students beginning at level 1 of Spanish. At this level, students will build upon their receptive skills in listening and understanding the instructional lessons. Gradually, students will begin to use the target language to respond, ask questions, make requests, manipulate and discuss the lesson elements. Also, greater emphasis is placed on reading and writing skills. The culture of the various Spanish-speaking countries is also integrated into the instructional activities and reading materials.
R.I.S.E. is Tuesday mornings from 7:45am to 8:15am in room 3211.
Course Expectations
While students will not achieve mastery in Spanish at this level, students will be expected to work at building their skill levels as this is a process that builds upon itself. What is learned on Day 1 will continue to be very important throughout the entire course. We will constantly recycle concepts and topics explored in Spanish 1 even as we continue to grow and acquire new knowledge in Spanish 2. Therefore, students must come with a willingness to evolve as a Spanish learner.
Spanish 1 Review
Lección 6: De Compras
Lección 7: La Rutina Diaria
Lección 8: La Comida
Lección 9: Las Fiestas
Lección 6 - De Compras
Lección 7 - La Rutina Diaria
L7.1 Verbos Reflexivos
L7.3 SER & IR in the preterite
L7.4 Verbs like GUSTAR
Lección 8 - La Comida
L8.1 -IR Stem-changers in the Preterite
L8.2 Double Object Pronouns
L8.3 Comparisons
L8.4 Superlatives
Lección 9 - Las Fiestas
Intro to Culinary
Course Description
This course is the foundational course designed to introduce students to fundamental food preparation terms, concepts, and methods in Culinary Arts where laboratory practice will parallel class work. Fundamental techniques, skills, and terminology are covered and mastered with an emphasis on basic kitchen and dining room safety, sanitation, equipment maintenance and operation procedures. The course also provides an overview of the professionalism in the culinary industry and career opportunities leading into a career pathway to Culinary Arts. Mastery of standards through project-based learning, technical skills practice, and leadership development activities of Family, Career and Community Leaders of America, (FCCLA) will provide students with a competitive edge for either entry into the education global marketplace and/or the post-secondary institution of their choice to continue their education and training. The pre-requisite for this course is advisor approval.
R.I.S.E. is Monday mornings from 7:45am to 8:15am in room 3211.
Course Expectations
Students are expected to participate in ALL class activities, discussions, and assessments.
Students must still comply with all classroom rules.
Follow all school rules. Appropriate school behavior is expected at ALL times.
Respect your teachers, other students, yourself, and your school.
Racism (and other isms) will not be tolerated; treat others with RESPECT.
Always act as if somebody is always watching, showing INTEGRITY.
Honesty is always expected. It is important to demonstrate good CITIZENSHIP.
Complete all assignments timely and to the best of your ability, showing HARD WORK.
Be on time to all sessions. Find solutions, not excuses.
Be prepared and organized.
About Me
My name is Karla Estrada, and this is my sixth year working at Alpharetta High School. I am a native speaker of a Mexican (father) and an American (mother). I was born and raised in Mexico City where I obtained my bachelor’s degree in Industrial Design and a Certificate as an ESL teacher. I worked for about 3 years in the POP and POS industry, and when my oldest child was born, I began teaching English as a second language to CEO's and managers in different companies.
8 years ago, my family and I moved to Alpharetta, to this wonderful community! I'm the proud mother of two amazing kids, both of them attended AHS, and my youngest just graduated from AHS! GO RAIDERS!
I am excited to share that this year, December 8th, after 2 years of hard work, I will be graduating from VSU from my Masters Program (MAT FLED)!
In the classroom, my goal is to demonstrate that there are different ways to approach the way you can learn a new language. I believe that this can be achieved through establishing a teacher-student relationship built on respect and mutual support. I am honored to be a part of each and every one of my students' lives! I am passionate about what I do and very proud of where I come from. I enjoy sharing the culture, art, music, and FOOD of the Spanish speaking world with my students. So, get ready for the ride!
During my free time I enjoy spending time with family and friends, cooking, baking, traveling to new places and just enjoying life.
Please do not hesitate to contact or email me with any questions or concerns throughout the year by emailing me at estradaks@fultonschools.org.
I look forward to working with you this year.
Contact Me
Period 1- Spanish 2 Room 3211
Period 2- Spanish 2 Room 3211
Period 3- Planning Room 3211
Period 4- Lunch Room 3211
Period 5- Anchor Time / Advisement
Period 6- Intro to Culinary Room 1362
Period 7- Spanish 2 Room 3211
Period 8- Spanish 2 Room 3211
3595 Webb Bridge Rd, Alpharetta, GA 30005
©2019 by Ms. Karla Estrada.